Power Notes is a powerful note-taking application that's easy to use. This program allows you to format your text and create reminders that open URLs or computer programs. It's a great way to take notes in your spare time. You can customize the app to fit your personality and needs. You can add your own fonts and skins, and you can place a message anywhere on the note. You can even make your notes look beautiful and elegant!
To associate your Power Note with specific records in your database, you can select a subject that represents the type of data you need to capture. You can also associate a template file with each record. When you associate the two, the field set from the record will be shown in the Power Note. The template file should be a static resource, such as a Text document. If you don't have a template, you can simply leave the template field blank.
Taking Power Notes is not hard to do. You can use the program to organize and highlight information from assigned texts. You can also use it to separate bigger ideas into smaller details. Once you've got the hang of it, your students can start writing and revising their notes. By following a simple process, you can have them write a one-pager or a paragraph for practice. You can also make multiple copies of their notes.